Home Workouts during Covid-19 Shelter In Place

Monday 04/06  Tabata HITT  Duration: 40 minutes

Set your interval timer for (8) rds with :20 seconds work :10 seconds rest. TABATA TRAINING IS 100% EFFORT DURING WORK PERIOD

Optional exercise (always the same)

Plank with shoulder tap


Leg Lifts


Spiderman Plank

Squat Jumps


1:00 rest after round

At end of each set Burpees moves up and replaces previous exercise until final set is all burpees. For example the 2nd set will end with burpees round 7 and 8.

Tuesday 04/07 Lose Your Flub In Da Club

What you'll need: a timer, a mat, and weights* (*optional)

Format: EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)
For this workout, there are 9, 4-minute rounds with 1 minute of rest between each round. Each round you will have 2 exercises, a base exercise (the reps stay the same) and another exercise (the reps increase each round by a set number).

Ex. Round One: 20 Gate Swings + 10 Crunches (add 10 each round)
Minute one: 20 gate swings, 10 crunches
Minute two: 20 gate swings, 20 crunches
Minute three: 20 gate swings, 30 crunches
Minute four: 20 gate swings, 40 crunches
**This is a running timer. Begin the reps at the start of each minute; if you finish before the minute is up, you get extra rest. 

Round One: 20 Gate swings + 10 crunches (+ 10 crunches/ round)
Round Two: 10 Burpees + 10 leg lifts (+5 leg lifts/ round)
Round Three: 20 Skaters + 10 oblique crunches (+5 oblique crunches/ round)
Round Four: 60 High knees+ 5 curtsy lunges (+5 curtsy lunges/ round)
Round Five: 15 Frog jumps + 10 glute bridges (+10 glute bridges/ round)
Round Six: 50 Jumping Jacks + 20 calf raises (+10 calf raises/ round)
Round Seven: 15 Squat jumps + 10 reverse crunches (+10 reverse crunches/ round)
Round Eight: 25 Stair taps (each side) + 4 plank ups (total) (+2 plank ups/ round)
Round Nine: 30 Mountain climbers + 10 donkey kicks (+5 donkey kicks/ round)
**All exercises are "each side" unless specified 

I'll post a video of me doing each exercise in the comments in case you're unsure of what they are.

Happy workout, "Stanielle"

Wednesday 04/08  Coach Jessica



04/09 Strength Training  Duration: 15-20 minutes

Take your body weight and subtract your age. That is how many reps you need to do within 20 minutes of-

Pushups, Crunches, and Squats WITH NO RESTING AT ALL

For example, a 210 lb. person who is 50 years old will have to do 160 pushups, 160 crunches, and 160 bodyweight squats within 20 minutes. DO NOT REST. If you get tired go to the next exercise and be working continuously.

04/10 Cardio Duration: 15 minutes

This will be another quick workout, but will get you out of your comfort zone. You will need an interval timer.

(9) rounds :10/:30 sprint/walk Sprint for 10 seconds, walk for 30 seconds- 9 rounds

(4) rounds :30/:30 jumping jacks/high knees

(5) rounds :30/:30 mountain climbers/burpees

Rest between sets, 15 minutes of work.

04/11 Boxing Duration: 15 minutes

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:

12 1-2-1-2-3 (punch air if no bag)
12 burpees
12 sit-ups
12 jumping jacks
12 pushups

After completing, jog 1 mile.

04/13 Circuit  Duration: 48 minutes

Jump rope 3:00
Pushups :30
Rest :30

Shadowbox 3:00 (lots of movement, don't stand in one spot)
Jump Squats :30
Rest :30

REPEAT THE ENTIRE WORKOUT TWICE (jump rope -> shadowbox -> jump rope -> shadowbox)

04/14  Lose Your Flub In Da Club  Duration: 25 Minutes

For each circuit, you will do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 5 minutes. The circuits have 4 exercises each:
#1 Lower Body:
10 - Pulse Squats (opt. w/weights)
10 - Lunges (opt. w/weights)
10 - Prisoner Get Ups (5 each direction)
10 - Cherry Pickers

#2 Upper Body:
10 - Pushups
10 - Pike Pushups
10 - Tricep Dips
10 - Inchworm

#3 Abs:
10 - Tabletop Crunch
10 - V Bicycle
10 - Toe Taps
10 - Kneeling Obliques

#4 Cardio:
10 - Plank Jack Burpees
10 - Mountain Climbers
10 - Squat & Twist
10 - Star Jacks

Finisher: Burpee, Mountain Climbers x2, Twist Knee to Elbox x2...do this 10 times!!

04/15 Coach Jessica  Duration: 45 Minutes


04/16 Coach Jess  Duration: 25 Minutes

This is a ladder. Work to the bottom then back up again. At the end of the workout jog 1 mile.


04/17 Strength Training Duration: 30 minutes

Start by pushing your car as far as you can, 3 sets. Then do...

100 pushups
100 tuck jumps
100 situps
50 walking lunges (maybe pushing car!?)
50 burpees
(take breaks when you need)

04/18 Boxing Workout Duration: 45 minutes

Find a partner and let's do some mittwork. Watch the video for some help with holding barehand, with gloves, and with mitts.

Jump rope 3 rounds x 3:00 (partner 1)
Shadowbox 3 rounds x 3:00 (partner 2)

Mittwork ladders [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] hit each part 10x then rotate puncher/catcher

[1, 1, 2] [3] [2]
[2,3,2] [3] [6]
[6,3,6] [3] [2]
[1,2,3] [roll 3] [2]
[1,1,2] [slip 2] [2]
Burnout 1,2 1:00
[1,1,1,2] [6] [3]
[1,1,2] [slip 2] [slip 2,3]
[1,1,6] [3b 3] [6]
[1,2] [5,2] [3,2]
[2,2,3] [roll 3] [2,3,6]
Burnout 3,4 1:00

Bonus combo to learn: 1,2,3, slip, slip, 4, roll, 2, 3b, 1-1 out

Then have a pushup contest. Loser handles dinner.

04/19 Coach Laura  Duration: 20 minutes

Repeat 3x Rest 1:00 between sets

30 Jumping jacks
10 Pushups
30 High Knees
10 Burpees
30 second Plank
10 Pushups
30 Squats
10 Lunges (each side)
30 second Plank
10 Pushups
30 Jumping jacks
1 minute Wall sit

04/20 Circuit  Duration: 30 minutes

(3) rounds for time:
20 burpees
30 squats
40 situps

(4) rounds for time:
15 tuck jumps
20 pushups

(5) rounds for time:
20 burpees
10 situps
20 squats

04/21 Lose Your Flub in Da Club  Duration: 45 minutes

Run for 5 minutes
40 lunges (20 each side, continue moving forward)
Run for 5 minutes
40 Side shuffles each direction
Run for 5 minutes
40 Traveling Squats (20 each direction)
Run for 5 minutes
40 Skips (Like you're in elementary school! Knees up!)
Run for 5 minutes
20 Long Jumps
Run for 5 minutes
40 Butt Kicks
Run for 5 minutes

04/23 Coach Jess  Duration: 30 minutes

It's Not Cool to be a BETA Workout!

1 minute dumbbell snatches

1 minute alternating toe taps

1 minute plank

1 minute dumbbell sumo squats

1 minute cardio of your choice (jump rope, sprints, high knees, etc)

Rest 1:00 / Repeat 5x

04/24 Friday Family Workout w/ Coach Laura


04/25 Boxing Workout  Duration: 30 minutes

3 sets
(10) jabs, (10) crosses, (10) pushups
4 sets
(10) 1-2, (10) squats, (10) squat jumps
5 sets
(10)1-2-3, (10) burpees, (10) 2, 3, 6

AMRAP 3:00 each

AMRAP 2:00 each
Tricep dips

AMRAP 1:00 each
Tuck jump

04/26  Circuit Workout  Duration: 30 minutes

7 Rounds for time
7 burpees
7 squats
7 lunges
7 situps
7 pushups
7 jumping jacks
7 tuck jumps

(8) sets :20/:10 run/walk

04/27  Burpee Workout  Duration: Unknown

Burpees: 20, 19, 18 ... 4, 3, 2, 1

Do not start your next set until you think of one thing to be thankful of.


04/28 Coach Stanielle  Duration: 45 minutes

*AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible - set a timer for the designated time and get in as many rounds of the designated exercises as you can!

2 min AMRAP: 3 burpees, 3 jump squats, 10 high knees

100 sumo squats
90 high knees (each side)
80 glute bridge
70 skaters (each side)
60 lunges (total)
50 jumping jacks
40 calf raises (with weights optional)
30 plank jacks
20 side lunge
10 curtsy lunges

2 min AMRAP: 3 burpees, 3 jump squats, 10 high knees

10 curtsy lunges
20 reverse lunge (total)
30 boxer shuffles
40 single leg deadlift (total)
50 butt kicks
60 narrow squats
70 sec. jump rope
80 donkey kicks (total)
90 mountain climbers (each side)
100 split squats (total)

2 min AMRAP: 3 burpees, 3 jump squats, 10 high knees

04/29 Coach Jessica  Duration: 20 minutes

Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uitq_pWfvNw


04/30 Coach Jess  Duration: 30 minutes

05/01 AMRAP Workout  Duration: 20 minutes

AMRAP 12:00 (as many reps as possible)

(12) pushups
(12) situps
(12) lunges
(12) russian twists
(12) burpees

Then jog a mile.

05/03 Boxing Workout  Duraton: 30 minutes

(20) 1-2
20 second plank
(20) 1-2
20 second side plank hold- left
(20) 1-2
20 second side plank hold- right
(20) 1-2
20 second high knees
(20) 1-2
20 second lunge step up
(20) 1-2
20 second high knees
(20) 1-2
20 second mountain climber

05/04  Brutality Workout  Duration: None

(200) pushups
(200) situps
(200) squats
5:00 plank
10:00 jump rope